Period: 1 Jan 2023 - 31 Dec 2025
What is EMSA all about?
Capacity building projects support the relevance, accessibility and responsiveness of VET institutions and systems in third countries, and for this project, countries in the Middle East.
Entrepreneurship is a vital driver of economic growth and development, and it is a set of skills which can be taught with the appropriate frameworks, methods and tools, especially in a VET context.
EMSA aims to build the capacity of VET institutions in Egypt, Jordan and Palestine through the implementation of two complete VET programmes which will be offered to their learners and will be based on Key Competences of Lifelong Learning (ERF) and the Entrepreneurial Mindset (ENTRECOMP) and co-developed with two VET organisations from Cyprus and Greece.
The objectives of the project are to:
ENTRECOMP training curricula and materials
ERF training curricula and materials
E-Learning platform for asynchronous electronic learning
Aggregate Pilot Report
Assessment tool to validate knowledge, skills and competences for “Entrepreneurial Mind Set“
Assessment tool to validate knowledge, skills and competences for “ERF Key Competences“
The EMSA team consists of 6 organisations from 5 countries