
Validation of formal, non formal and informal learning: The case study of Administration Personnel


1 Sep 2015 - 1 Sep 2018

EUPA_NEXT focuses on the validation of non-formal (NFL) & informal learning(IL) & its permeability with formal education pathway through the use of a formal accreditation system (ISO). It aims to develop a methodology for certification of non formal & informal learning of non regulated professions & at the same time to develop a EU certificate for administration personnel.

The sector of administrators is used AS A CASE STUDY:

According to ISCO88 admin personnel is classified under other associate professionals (Cat. 34 Other Associate Professionals & subcat. 343 Admin associate professionals) which (CEDEFOP:Future skills supply & demand in Europe) is the first profession in demand up to 2020

  • HRDA research on the employment forecasting 2010-2020 demonstrates that Admin & Support services is the fourth sector with the greatest average yearly increase
  • This is aligned with the fact that the labour market training programmes co-funded by the ESF focus on the training of unemployed people on secretarial skills (CY,ES,GR)
  • This sector is easily accessible & very attractive to unemployed women (Unemployment is a major issue in EU. The rate of unemployment is higher for women, especially those with no skills)
  • Administrators are employed by all companies & organizations in EU regardless of size & industry & its role is vital

This important sector is NON REGULATED. Administrators may be secondary school graduates or may have a college diploma in secretarial studies. It is not rear to find administrators with academic credentials in other fields. All admin personnel, even if they do not have (or do not have relevant) academic qualifications, need to validate their knowledge, skills & competences in order to move from one job to another or from one country to another. Often it is the case that these people progress (career wise) as they develop more skills & competences from admin personnel, to executive secretary, personal assistant or even office manager. Again they should be able to validate knowledge, skills & competences in different levels

EUPA_NEXT focuses on 2 priorities

  1. Developing short-cycle post-secondary qualifications in accordance with the EQF. EUPA_NEXT adds value at the sectoral level through the development of an EQF based qualification (4 levels) for the sector of admin. personnel. This qualification is ISO certified (using ISO17024 which certifies personal competences)
  2. Facilitating the validation of NFL & IL & its permeability with formal education pathway through the use of a formal accreditation system (ISO). Using this certification people without academic credentials or experience may be certified based on what they know &are able to do.

Additionally, EUPA_NEXT is very important at the POLICY LEVEL (encouraging countries to progress on this EU Priority) Eupa_Next brings together partners from different countries with different activities in ECVET that will benefit from the exchange of experiences & from exploring different methodologies. ECVET is important for mobility & validation of FL, NFLl & IL. At the policy level by 2012 member countries should have created the necessary conditions & taken the measures for gradual implementation of ECVET. Member states must now move from principles to IMPLEMENTATION which makes the promotion of ECVET & the transfer of methods & tools a critical factor for its success. The project brings together countries at different stages (CEDEFOP Monitoring ECVet implementation 2013)

  • CY is one of the countries where no/limited testing is taking place
  • Slovakia has already formalized its commitment to the ECVET implementation but there is No ECVET project at national level.
  • In Germany most of the curricula & training regulations are input-oriented & with no systemic approach for validation of NFL & IL  although some ECVET projects are being implemented
  • In FR validation of NFL & IL has become systematic & movement between training schemes is possible
  • In ES validation is possible & the process is output oriented
  • In EL the IVET system is input oriented. A legal framework for validation exists but is not in place.

Consequently all partners/countries will benefit from this ECVET project.


  1. To develop a EU qualification for admin personnel
  2. Facilitate the understanding of EQF & ECVET policies & explore different methodologies for the assignment of credits
  3. Develop a comparative report on the situation of the countries on EQF & ECVET
  4. Provide ISO certification for the materials & assessment developed under project EUPA (level 2 materials) & certify with ISO the materials & the assessment for levels 3,4,5. EUPA_NEXT is a COMPLETE SOLUTION for admin personnel (in 4 levels)
  5. Provide flexible pathways to learning & validation (classroom trainings, ebooks, just assessment)
  6. Develop a how to practical guide for the validation of FL, NFL & IL for any non regulated profession
  7. Make a policy recommendation for official recognition of EUPA_NEXT

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