Project Agreement Number: 612910-EPP-1-2019-1-CY-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD
Short Description
In agreement with our contractual obligations to the Commission MMC as coordinator of the project <TOWARDS A HOLISTIC TRANSFORMATION OF ORGANISATIONS INTO LEARNING WORKPLACES> <612910-EPP-1-2019-1-CY-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD> needs to hire External Auditors for the preparation of the Report of Factual Findings on the Final Financial Report. The Auditor role is limited to reporting only factual findings that confirm whether:
- All costs as well as all receipts (including other sources of financing) declared in the Final Financial Report are justified by the relevant supporting documents;
- All costs are incurred in the eligibility period in accordance with Article I.2 of the Grant Agreement/ Article 2 of the Grant Decision
- Expenses incurred in a currency other than Euro have been converted in accordance with the provisions of the Grant Agreement/Decision;
- The beneficiary has complied with the rules for accounting and record keeping in accordance with Articles II.19, II.20 and II.27.2 of the Grant Agreement/ General Conditions n° 19, 20 and 27.2 of the Grant Decision;
- Sub-contracting and procurement costs comply with the related provisions set the Grant Agreement/ Grant Decision.
More information is also available in the enclosed document:
- Maximum Budget for the audit: 4500 euro + VAT
- Project Budget: 661,824.00€
- Deadline for the delivery of the report: 15/08/2023
Additional Notes:
- Financial documents for the first two years have already been checked by our internal team and are already available to audit
- Confidentiality Agreement (to be signed between MMC and the successful tendered)
Deadline for the submission of the proposal: Friday, 25/05/2023
More Information: Chrystalla Nicolaou,
Template to be used: Enclosed
Additional Information: Enclosed