Business Principles
- Financial impact
- Definition
- Calculation
- Pricing strategies
- Actual versus budgeted costs
- Business performance and outsourcing decisions
- Performance scorecard
- Definition
- Implementation
Core Management Skills
- Verbal and non verbal
- Active listening
- Written communication
- Models and applications
- Management by objectives
- Performance evaluation
Process Management
- Value stram mapping
- Lean and agile supply chain
- Problem Solving Techniques
- Cost to serve model
- Supply chain key performance indicators
- Identification
- Implementatopm
- Process improvement opportunities
- Lean techniques
- Impact of different options on the supply chain
Project Management
- Scope
- Governance structure
- Project life cycle
- Phase gate process to a project
- Project costing
- Project quality management
- Continuous improvement programme
Demand, Production and Distribution Requirements Planning
- Demand management process
- Collaborative forecasting
- Pull/Push planning
- Optimisation of inventory holding
- Optimise distribution requirements planning
- Stock obsollences and redundancies
- Causes
- Ways of minimisation
- Inventory optimisation tools
- Ventor management inventory process
- Description
- Implementation
- Set up of KPIs for inventory management
- Advance Planning systems
- Options available
- Selection
- Implementation
- Implementation of health and safety programme
- Storage systems
- Options available
- Selection based on criteria
- The 5S programme in warehouse environment
- KPIs to improve warehouse operations
- Setup
- Monitoring
- Application of technology in warehouse
- Transport mode selection
- Selection of appropriate carriers
- Transport supplier agreements
- Optimise transport scheduling
- Logistics service providers
- Options identification
- Selection based on criteria
- KPIs to improve transportation
- Setup
- Monitoring
- Information technology- transport management systems
- Options available
- Selection and implementation
- Agreements
- Collaborative supplier relationships
-Negotiation strategies
- Standardisation and optimisation of operational purchasing processes
- Selection and implementation of electronic eprocurement tools
Customer Service
- Design
- Implementation
- Customer service organisation
- Characteristics
- Establishment
- KPIs to improve transportation
- Setup
- Monitoring
- Information technology- Customer relationship management systems
-Options available
- Selection and implementation