
IO1: Transantional Research Study and Analysis about the professional roles and challenges of WBL schemes in Europe: Policies, Sytems, Compentency Standards and Good Practice


2 Oct 2017 - 29 Jun 2018

Considering that partner countries may have different structures and stages of WBL schemes development (apprenticeships, traineeships and internships) with different level of governance, organisation and regulation, different status and involvement of in-company tutors (SMEs) and counsellors/trainers operating in both public and private organisations, a context-specific design is required to know the “state of the art” across EU to develop credible project activities. In this sense, given the range of factors to be addressed by this application, the project will be founded upon an extensive and in-depth programme of research and analysis.  

It will involve survey, interview/focus groups and case study research as well as a review of policies, strategies, information in the public domain and other sources (evidence based research on sector specific needs of SMEs is crucial to explore the necessary resources, in terms of competency standards, guidance, financial and non-financial support) - to investigate the surrounding factors along with national good practice on the in-company tutors role and the delivery-sending action of Public and Private Employment Services by the role of counsellors/providers in developing successful WBL schemes in the partner countries.

Knowing the factors which influence WBL schemes and the role of tutors/mentors and counsellors/trainers in all EU countries, the research will also study and define the range of job-specific skills and competency standards to enhance the professional development of in-company tutors, job counsellors/trainers by developing innovative tools to facilitate the recognition of their competency profile and person specification/job description.

The study will take into account and align the different WBL systems existing in the partner countries, reviewing organisational and regulatory changes of public and private employment services working with WBL schemes, with the most recent advancements of the national WBL schemes on how to support companies, the advantages of using WBL schemes as well as the extent to which the drivers from the Riga Conclusions (2015) on WBL are implemented.

We aim to produce a body of research in this topic, which does not currently exist and can have a lasting and more strategic impact. This research will aim to assess:

- the current stage of development of WBL models in the partner countries, key drivers of change arising from the European Alliance for Apprenticeship (2013), Europe 2020, ET2020 and national economic development strategies and inclusive VET/ ALM policies, and how these are actually, or potentially, shaping the role of in-company tutors and counsellors/trainers and as they are altering (trends) and adapting to the new market conditions in the VET and ALMP sector,

- how the different VET and ALMP systems and NQFs impact on the occupational profiles of those currently undertaking the in-company tutors (SMEs) and counsellors/trainers in public/private sector role in individual countries; the situation regarding professional practice and licences and the alignment of these national practices to the EQF;

- the incidence, relevance and content of current professional development and training options to develop competencies in the two roles, including an analysis of  what counsellors/trainers are offering (on the job and off the job), and the needs of the labour market/employers with the supporting measures that make WBL more attractive and accessible to SMEs;

- the right skills/competences for in-company trainers responsible for training/mentoring learners with the description of the job profile and occupational standards that capture the competencies required to effectively carry out the service function based upon known good practice as identified through the Individual Country Reports - (it will be propaedeutic to design the training programme);

- the right skills/competences required in each partner country by the VET/ALMP counsellors/trainers working in partnership with companies with the description of the job profile and occupational standards that capture the competencies required to effectively carry out the service function based upon known good practice as identified through the Individual Country Reports - (this will be propaedeutic to design the training programme);

- Accreditation and Certification options on offer in partner countries to validate the initial and continuous professional development of two profiles by training program.

This Research Study is primarily targeted at authorities at all levels (including ALMPs Authorities and ESF Managing Authorities since ESF represents a significant source of actual and potential funding for such schemes) wishing to establish new WBL schemes or improve existing ones. However, the IO is also relevant for a range of other key actors, including social partners and educational-VET institutions in both secondary and tertiary education sectors.

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