
Towards the Internationalization οf Cyprus Adult Education Providers


1 Jul 2014 - 30 Jun 2016

Agreement Number: 2014-CY01-KA104-05

This project focuses on the internationalisation and modernisation of a Cypriot national consortium of adult providers (6 providers are included in the consortium). More specifically, the providers are interested  in improving the services they offer as well as for preparing themselves for the internationalisation.

The development plan identified consists of development of the members of the national consortium in three main areas

  1. European Dimension: Through participation in a course the providers will be aligning their curricula with EQF and their quality standards with EQAFVET.
  2. Strategic management and internationalisation. Through participation in a course the providers will be able to take decisions and make actions that will lead their organisations to modernisation and internationalisation
  3. Development of trainers/coaches/mentors and other staff. This activity includes different courses for the trainers/tutors/mentors/coaches of the sending organization as well as other staff . The following are included in this activity:
  • development of the cultural competence
  • mentoring and coaching
  • career advice and employment issues
  • business english

The project involves 26 mobilities in total. Participants include:

  • managers and department heads of adult training providers with more than 10 years of experience and academic credentials
  • trainers/mentors/coaches (junior and senior) delivering classroom training as well as implementing placement programmes and apprenticeship
  • other staff such as curriculum developers

The project is structured in three phases:

During the preparation phase  the  agreements will be prepared. Then an intercultural communication preparation workshop will be designed and implemented and all mobility participants will be invited to attend.  Additionally,  preparatory meetings will be organised for participants attending the same course. Finally logistics will be handled.

During the implementation phase the mobilities will be implemented on the three activities presented above
During the follow up phase different actions of evaluation will be implemented such as dissemination of evaluation forms, evaluation meeting and follow up meetings.

The impact of the project for the national consortium is their modernization and internationalization. However, the project is expected to have impact on other adult education providers in Cyprus and abroad that will may be decided to participate in as similar project in the future.

Learners will also benefit from the results of this project since they will receive better courses from well trained trainers and mentors as well as better experience from improved quality of the providers.

Internationalization of adult education providers will bring financial benefits  for Cyprus and will promote the Cyprus culture in Europe.

Additionally, through the dissemination of the project activities more people will learn about ERASMUS+ and the possibilities it offers.

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