
O6. Accreditation Scheme for KCs 6 and 8

Parent: Cultural Awareness and Social Skills Key Competences in Tourism

September 2015

Reaching into our public, private, and professional lives, accreditation is a value, a proof that a person has met certain standards and training necessary for personal fulfillment, entering the labor market, being successful in a knowledge-based society.

As already be mentioned, the CERF project developed an accreditation procedure in order to the participants to certify their knowledge, skills and attitudes on KC7 “Sense of Initiate and Entrepreneurship”. In the CERF’s final report, the Greek National Agency recommended that the project should be continued by certifying more Key Competences.

As a continuation of the CERF project, the CS.Tour project will develop an Accreditation Scheme for KC6-Social and Civic Competences and KC8-Cultural Awareness and Expression based on the developed training materials. The accreditation scheme enabled users to evaluate the degree of their current capacity as entrepreneurs and also served as a basis of empowerment for planning their next steps for personal and professional development. The accreditation scheme will be developed by ACTA for the certification of skills, knowledge and attitudes for the Key Competences 6 and 8. The development of the accreditation scheme will follow the ISO/IEC 17024:2003 standard. This international standard specifies requirements for a body certifying persons against specific requirements, including the development of a certification scheme for persons.

The main axes of the accreditation scheme will involve:

  • The development of a reliable and valid Testing Methodology
  • Application of an acceptable Supervising Procedure
  • Testing Questions

The overall accreditation scheme will be in correspondence with the developed Curriculum, Trainer's methodological guide and trainer’s toolkit and Trainees Syllabus, completing the whole package for KC 6 and 8.

The Accreditation scheme will include the minimum number of 200 Questions and Answers. The pool of the testing questions will cover the entire syllabus and all the training material in terms of the pre-defined knowledge, skills and attitudes described in the developed curricula.
Once the certification question/exercises will be developed, the trainees will be ready to participate in the certification process which will take place in Greece and Cyprus.

The development of the software that supports the certification process, will comply fully to the rules created by the Greek Organisation for Vocational Education and Training (transformed now to National Organisation of Qualifications Certification).

The Certification methodologies that will be adapted for the certification process will be:

  • The “In Application Methodology “as to examine the application of knowledge rather than the recall of information, which is acclaimed for its high validity and reliability in testing skills.
  • The “Paper and Pencil Methodology”, using as main techniques multiple choice questions, problem solving applications etc.

Once the trainees certification process complete the accreditation scheme will be finalized. The development and so the finalization of the accreditation scheme is of great importance since it guarantees the sustainability of the project as it offers the possibility to more people to certify their knowledge, skills and attitudes on KCs 6 and 8 which have been recognized as crucial competences for employability reasons too.

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